Kitchen Table Theology

073 The Consequences of Sin

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 73

 “To this very day, God continues to work in matters of redemption. He is actively working in this world to draw men and women to Himself through the efficacious work of Jesus on the cross.” - Pastor Jeff Craston 

Hello Kitchen Table Theology Family! In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Jen Denton continue in our series of The Doctrine of Hamartiology. So far in this series, we’ve covered The Lostness of Man, the Inevitable Results of Lostness, the Future Destiny of the Lost, If There is a Second Chance After Death, and today we discuss The Consequences of Sin. 


[00:01] The Out Workings of Sin 

  • Jen enlightens Pastor Jeff on the 5 deadly terms used by a woman
  • The consequences of sin reach far beyond the individuals who commit it 

 [07:27] So Who is Affected by Sin?  

  • Sin’s effect on Satan
    • Taking a closer look at the first sinner, Satan, using Dr. HL Willmington’s outline of the consequences of sin 
  • Sin’s effect on creation and nature (Rom 8:19-23) 
  • Sin’s effect on Angels 
    • When Satan sinned, a third of the angels went with him when he was cast out of Heaven (Rev. 12:4, 9)
    • God uses angels to enter into His work of the redemption of mankind (Gal 3:19, 1 Peter 1:12)

[20:18] Our Sin Affected God  

  • While sin does not affect the character of God, mankind's sin meant that He couldn't rest as He had done when creation was completed (Gen 2:2) 
  • After sin came into play, God began His second work; our redemption(John 15:7, John 9:4, Phil 1:6) 
  • To this very day, God continues to work in matters of redemption through the efficacious work of Christ on the cross

 [25:18] Final Thoughts    

  • Pastor Jeff reads ‘Jesus, Lover of My Soul’ by Charles Wesley
  • Connect with us! 


Key Quotes

“As sin affects us, the Bible teaches us that sin dulls our ears. darkens our eyes, diverts our feet, defiles our tongues, deceives our hearts, devours our intellect, and it dooms our soul which just reminds us that Christ is our only hope.” - Pastor Jeff Craston 

“Most humans are selfish, we tend to only think about ourselves. We don't think about how far-reaching our sin is. We feel the effects, we think about how it affects us, but we don't think about how it has a ripple effect.” - Jen Denton

Resources Mentioned


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!