Kitchen Table Theology

005 Inerrancy

Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 5

Podcast: Kitchen Table Theology

Podcast Series: The Holy Scriptures

Podcast Number: 005

Podcast Episode Name: Inerrancy

Episode Length: 15:57

Episode Download Link: Click here to download the episode. 

Host: Jeff Cranston

Co Host: Jen Denton


Episode Summary

In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Jen dive into the theological concept of inerrancy. The Bible always tells the truth. Christians believe we have a perfect Bible because we have a perfect God. We believe we have a trustworthy Bible because we have a trustworthy God.

Topics We Discussed in this Episode

●     [3:00]            Inerrancy means that the Bible always tells the truth, and that it always tells the truth concerning everything it talks about.            

●     [5:56]            Inerrancy provides spiritual orientation, something that Christians can trust in and hold fast to. 

●     [9:02]           How do we respond to so-called inconsistencies and perceived errors in Scripture?

●     [12:10]          The Bible is perfectly true and without error. Because it is inerrant, we can trust it speaks accurately about, and to, our lives. 

People We Mentioned in the Show

●     Anglican Bishop William Hare

●     C.S. Lewis

Resources We Mentioned in the Show

●     Wayne Grudem’s book, Systematic Theology

Bible Verses We Mentioned in the Show

●     Psalm 18:30

●     Hebrews 6:18

●     I Peter 3:15

 ●    John 17:17

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it, but applying it. 

Thanks for listening!