Kitchen Table Theology

233 Presbyterianism | An Overview | Pt. 3

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 233

How does being a Presbyterian differ from other Christian denominations? In this episode, Pastor Jeff Cranston and Tiffany Coker explore the history, beliefs, and denominational differences within Presbyterianism.

If you missed the last two episodes on the Presbyterian Church in America, be sure to check them out!

Here’s What We Discussed:

00:55 - The Roots of Presbyterianism
The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek presbuteros, which means elder or leader. The way Presbyterian churches are structured comes from the teachings of John Calvin and John Knox during the Protestant Reformation. A key document that guides Presbyterian beliefs is the Westminster Confession of Faith, written in the 1640s.

02:55 - Key Differences Between PCUSA, PCA, and EPC

  • PCUSA (Presbyterian Church USA) – The largest mainline Presbyterian body, known for progressive theology. They ordain women and LGBTQ+ clergy and hold a non-literal approach to Scripture.
  • PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) – Formed in 1973, this denomination takes a conservative stance, emphasizing biblical inerrancy and traditional doctrine.
  • EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church) – Founded in 1981, this denomination allows individual congregations some freedom, such as deciding whether to ordain women and engaging with charismatic movements.

06:13 - Presbyterian Worship & Theology
Presbyterian church services are usually structured and formal, with a strong focus on Bible teaching. The way they worship has stayed mostly the same for centuries, following traditions from the Reformation.

  • Sacraments: Baptism (infants & believers) and Communion.
  • Governance: Churches are led by elders rather than a single pastor or bishop.
  • Theology: Many Presbyterians follow Reformed theology, including doctrines like God’s sovereignty, salvation by grace, and covenant theology.

10:01 - Influential Figures in Presbyterianism
You may know some theologians and pastors from Presbyterian backgrounds:

  • R.C. Sproul (Theologian & Ligonier Ministries)
  • Tim Keller (Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC)
  • Eugene Peterson (The Message Bible translation)
  • J. Gresham Machen, James Montgomery Boice, B.B. Warfield

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!