Kitchen Table Theology

232 Presbyterianism | Infant Baptism, Church Governance and Reformed Theology with Bill McCutchen | Pt. 2

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 232

The Presbyterian Church has a long history rooted in the Protestant Reformation, but what exactly sets Presbyterianism apart from other Christian traditions?

Pastor Jeff Cranston sits down with Reverend Bill McCutchen, lead pastor at Hilton Head Presbyterian Church, to explore the key aspects of Presbyterian theology. If you haven’t seen part 1 of this conversation, feel free to go back and listen.

Here’s What We Discussed

00:55 - Infant Baptism

Many Christian denominations, including Presbyterians, practice infant baptism—but why? The practice is rooted in covenant theology, where God’s promises extend to believers and their children. They also baptize older children, teenagers, and adults who come to faith later in life. 

03:24 - Covenant Theology and Baptism

What does it mean to be part of God’s covenant? God’s promises have always been generational, from Abraham to the New Testament Church. He highlights Peter’s sermon at Pentecost, where he says, “The promise is for you and your children” (Acts 2:39). 

06:03 - Sprinkling vs. Immersion

Presbyterians typically use sprinkling or pouring. Rev. McCutchen explains that the Old Testament frequently refers to ritual cleansing through sprinkling (Ezekiel 36:25). The Greek word for baptism (baptizo) can mean to immerse, but also to wash or cleanse. While immersion symbolizes death and resurrection, sprinkling and pouring emphasize the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17). 

10:18 - Church Governance in Presbyterianism

Unlike some churches that are led by a single pastor or bishop, Presbyterian churches follow a plurality of elders model. McCutchen explains the difference between Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders. As far as allowing women pastors it depends on the denomination. The Presbyterian Church in America holds to a complementarian view; women can serve in many leadership roles but not as ordained pastors or elders. 

15:04 - The Core of Reformed Theology: TULIP

Reformed theology is summarized by the acronym TULIP:

  • Total Depravity
  • Unconditional Election
  • Limited Atonement 
  • Irresistible Grace 
  • Perseverance of the Saints 

These doctrines were developed in response to Arminian theology and remain foundational to Presbyterian beliefs today.

20:14 - Closing Thoughts

Reverend McCutchen and Pastor Jeff reflect on the importance of unity in Christ, despite denominational differences. 

Visit Hilton Head Presbyterian Church: 

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!