Kitchen Table Theology

211 Bible Overview: Daniel

Pastor Jeff Cranston

Underneath the vivid stories and exciting prophecies in the Book of Daniel, we see profound lessons on remaining faithful to God in a hostile culture and trusting in His sovereignty during uncertain times.

In this episode, Tiffany Coker and Pastor Jeff Cranston continue our Bible overview series by discussing the Old Testament book of Daniel. They explore Daniel's life, the historical context of the Babylonian exile, and the key theological themes that make this book relevant for believers today.

[00:00 - 05:30] Introduction to Daniel

  • Pastor Jeff explains who Daniel was and his significance in Babylonian society
  • Daniel's timeline, from teenager to octogenarian (80 years old) 

[05:30 - 10:15] Historical Context and Authorship

  • The Babylonian captivity and Daniel's role as an exile
  • Debate over the dating of the book (540-530 BC vs. 160 BC)
  • Pastor Jeff's argument for earlier dating and Daniel's authorship

[10:15 - 17:45] Key Theological Themes in Daniel

  • God's sovereignty
  • God's care for His people's suffering
  • Pride (hubris) leading to blasphemy
  • What does "blasphemy" mean? 

[17:45 - 22:30] Connection to Revelation and Takeaways

  • The relationship between Daniel and the Book of Revelation
  • How Daniel's message applies to believers facing trials or consequences of sin
  • Encouragement to persevere and remain faithful to God

Direct Quotes: 

"The book of Daniel paints a portrait of how to serve God faithfully in the middle of that kind of existence and how to persevere and hope." - Pastor Jeff Cranston

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!