Kitchen Table Theology
Where Coffee, Conversation, and Theology Meet. During my 40 years in ministry, I’ve developed an increasing burden for what I sense to be an increase in biblical illiteracy, not only among those in our churches, but also in the young men and women entering the ministry. Conversely, I am hopeful, because I also sense a hunger from people to learn and know biblical truth and the things of God has revealed to us in Scripture. Our Kitchen Table Theology team has developed a list of over 150 doctrinal topics which I, along with one of my cohosts, Jen Denton or Tiffany Coker, examine weekly. Our goal is to educate and share biblical truth on the same level as if we were sitting at your kitchen table with a Bible and a pot of southern pecan coffee in front of us. Welcome to the table!
Kitchen Table Theology
208 Bible Overview: 3 John
Have you ever wondered how early church leaders balanced authority and hospitality while spreading the gospel?
In this episode, Tiffany Coker and Pastor Jeff Cranston delve into the book of Third John as part of their New Testament overview series. They discuss the letter's background, authorship, themes, and key characters, emphasizing the importance of authority in the church and hospitality. Through engaging pop quizzes and insightful commentary, they explore how the Apostle John addressed the challenges faced by early Christians, particularly the commendable actions of Gaius and the problematic behavior of Diotrephes. The episode concludes with reflections on how modern Christians can extend hospitality within their communities.
[00:00 - 05:21] Introduction and Overview
- Tiffany and Pastor Jeff introduce the Third John and a brief letter with 15 verses.
- Pastor Jeff quizzes listeners on other one-chapter books in the New Testament.
- They discuss the authorship of Third John and John's self-identification as "the elder."
[05:22 - 11:00] Background on John and Gaius
- Pastor Jeff shares a detailed background on the Apostle John, his life, and his writings.
- He explores Gaius's identity, including possible mentions in other New Testament books.
[11:01 - 16:05] Breakdown of Third John
- Verses 1-8: Commendation of Gaius for his hospitality and support of traveling Christian teachers.
- Verses 9-10: Critique of Diotrephes for his rejection of authority and refusal to welcome missionaries.
- Verses 11-14: Praise for Demetrius and John's concluding remarks.
[16:06 - 22:06] Theological Themes
- Authority in the church: John’s guidance on dealing with church leadership and those proclaiming the truth.
- Hospitality: The importance of welcoming and supporting those who serve in ministry.
[22:07 - 23:49] Conclusion
- Pastor Jeff and Tiffany share reflections on extending hospitality within the church.
- They encourage listeners to apply theological insights to their daily lives.
Direct Quotes:
"John writes for the sake of the name and they receive no monetary support from the Gentiles." – Pastor Jeff Cranston
"It takes a degree of trust and acceptance to be hospitable to others, especially to strangers." – Tiffany Coker
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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for lis