Kitchen Table Theology

140 Your Work As Worship

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 140

The Kitchen Table Theology Podcast's latest episode delves into how to incorporate faith into our work lives, introducing the concept of "workship" or worshipping during work. Hosts Pastor Jeff Cranston and Tiffany Coker emphasize the importance of prayer and service to show love towards coworkers and customers, while also cultivating excellence in work as a form of respect 


[00:01 – 02:10] Opening Segment 

  • The Bible is the foundation for all Christian doctrine and theology 
  • This podcast aims to help listeners become strong in their faith, grow in their love for Jesus, and gain theological knowledge through the podcast 
  • Columbia International University is the podcast partner and offers various academic programs from undergraduate to doctoral levels 

[02:11 – 11:04] Workship - Practical steps to make your work a place of worship 

  • Transforming our outlook on work to glorify God is not an instant change like flipping a switch 
  • Engaging in our work as an act of worship to God requires a mindset that needs to be cultivated over time 
  • Three practical steps to make our work a place of worship: prayer, service, and excellence 
  • Start with prayer and use two verses to pray and bring truth to work life to glorify God 


[16:59 - 20:41] Closing Segment  

  • A heart of worship at work can lead to a better sense of purpose and the ability to serve and care for others. 
  • Serving others and showing the love of Christ at work is an act of worship and a way to honor God 
  • Pursuing excellence in the workplace builds a reputation that points to Jesus and earns the right to share faith with others 
  • Cultivating a heart of worship requires intentionality, daily commitment, and a servant mindset 



“The first factor in cultivating a worship at work mindset is the daily petition for it. The daily prayer for it.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston  


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!